Sep 13—15, 2024
Sep 13–15, 2024

Featured Artists

A&A Creative Ambassadors

2023 Featured Artist

Stephen Smith

Stephen Smith is a native Oklahoman who majored in fine arts at the University of Tulsa. Stephen still considers himself to be a self-taught artist through years of painting and growing into his current style. The past 30+ years has been spent painting full time various subjects with an emphasis on using oil paint to achieve his personal vision. His style has evolved from impressionistic to a more expressionistic approach. Bold colors and textured impasto are featured in each of his paintings. The sculptural quality often tempts the viewer to want to touch or even caress the surface. The paintings can be quite chaotic up close but by stepping back the viewers’ eyes blend the chaos into the image of the subject that was intended. It is this participation of the viewer which he finds so magical.

His work appears in many private and corporate collections nationwide. Stephen over the years has exhibited in numerous juried shows and galleries locally and throughout the West and Midwest.

Stephen currently resides in Tulsa, Oklahoma with his lovely wife Susie, the driving force in his work.

Starting in 2011, one artist or artist team has been selected to represent Autumn & Art as our Featured Artist. 

These artists have acted as an ambassador for our event, and we are so grateful that they have generously shared their talents with us!

Past Featured Artists

2022: Cecilia Labora, Glass

2021: Sharon Sudduth, Painting

2020: Mary Ann & Michael Holmes AKA M. Robinson, 2D Mixed Media

2019: John Kennington, Photography

2018: Chris McCarthy, Glass

2017: Jeff & Judy Goodwin, Jewelry

2016: Barbara Mason, Drawing

2015: Ernest Vincent Wood III, Painting

2014: Prince Duncan Williams, Fiber

2013: Pamela Spika, 2D Mixed Media

2012: Jeffery Cannon, Painting

2011: JD Hillberry, Drawing